Essentials of CV writing



Writing a CV seems like the simplest tasks of all time but not everyone knows that to create your CV you need to invest a lot of time. We live in a world where we are picked up
for an interview by the peculiarity and the seemingness of our CV’s. After all, your CV is the potential employer’s first impression of you. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a profile of
an individual’s educational and professional history that highlights their skills. That should be the ultimate motive.

1. Be Concise

The difference between a CV and resume which most people don’t understand is that the length of a CV is longer than that of a resume. There’s a lot of information that a CV should provide the employer. Hence, it’s important to manage the language and fill in information in short terms and sentences. The sentences and descriptions should be a good enough explanation in the most concise form. It’s always recommendable to edit your CV for most applications so as to highlight relevant experience.

2. Select the correct format

CV’s are attractive and give a sense of an individual’s personality just by the way things are compartmentalised. The organising skills of an individual reflect through when you use the right kind of format for your CV. Recruiters don’t spend a lot of time on CV’s so it’s always a challenge to make it easier for them to receive all the information you shared on your CV. Grammatical and spelling errors are a put off for recruiters or any employer, it comes across as a sign of carelessness. Hence, it’s best to always proof read your CV before submission.

3. Highlight your achievements

Achievements don’t have to be an achievement at a large scale, they can be at any level from the collegiate level to experience level. The idea behind highlighting your potential of translating and transferring experience to various other sections of the services. Achievements also include the skills you possess that can be supported with certification or claim of general literacy on computers and much more.

4. Support it with a cover letter

The cover letter plays the role of the spine. It is an attempt at making an interpersonal relationship with the employer while serving as an additional effort to convince the employer to hire you as an asset to the company.

All in all; CV writing is not easy but it’s definitely important. Final takeaways that we can give you are:

– Be clear
– Focus on your message to the employer
– Read your CV again and again
– Keep it simple and straightforward
– Keep the format of your CV consistent

Follow these basics and you are sure to find an amazing job. We wish you all the best and for any more queries, you can always consult our friendly team at Mercury Institute of Victoria.

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