AgentDirect [group group-1] [/group] Melbourne CBD(Vic 3000)Midway Point(Tas 7171) BSB51918 DIPLOMA OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENTBSB61015 ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT YesNo [group group-41] If yes please select Unit code/Unit name
    BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligenceBSBMGT517 Manage operational planBSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationshipsBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessBSBHRM513 Manage workforce planningBSBMGT502 Manage people performanceBSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvementBSBPMG522 Undertake project workBSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional developmentBSBADM502 Manage meetingsBSBCUS501 Manage quality customer serviceBSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plans [/group] [group group-42] If yes please select Unit code/Unit name
    BSBFIM601 Manage financesBSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational changeBSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisationBSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business planBSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planningBSBHRM604 Manage employee relationsBSBINM601 Manage knowledge and informationBSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvementBSBRSK501 Manage riskBSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plansBSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainabilityBSBMKG609 Develop a marketing plan [/group] YesNo [group group-5] Our Staff will contact you in case of RPL. [/group]
    Title: MrMrsMsMiss
    Gender: MaleFemaleIndeterminate

    Select Country of Birth

    Select Nationality/Citizenship

    What is your current residency (Where do you live currently)?
    Passport Isused By

    Passport Expired Date

    Are you currently studying in Australia?
    [group group-8] [group group-82] [/group]
    Visa Expired Date
    [/group] Do you have current Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?
    YesNo [group group-91] If yes, please provide following details:
    expire date
    [/group] [group group-92] If NO, what type of OSHC will you require? Single (Student only)Dual Family (Student plus spouse or children)Multi Family (Student plus spouse and children) [/group] Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? :

    Do you speak a language other than English at home? :
    YesNo [group group-10] [/group]
    How well do you speak English? :
    Very wellWellNot WellNot at allNot stated What is your highest COMPLETED school level?
    Year 12Year 11Year 10Year 9 or belowNever attend school
    [group group111] In which YEAR did you complete that school level?

    In which COUNTRY did you complete that school level?

    Are you still enrolled in secondary school?
    [radio* radio-113 default:1 "Yes" "No"]
    [/group] Have you SUCCESSFULLY completed any of the following qualifications?
    If YES, then tick ALL applicable boxes
    if NO, then tick No
    Bachelor degree or higher degreeAdvanced diploma or associate degreeDiploma(or associate diploma)Certificate IV (or advanced certificate/technician)Certificate III (or trade certificate)Certificate IICertificate ICertificates other than the aboveNo
    [group group114] Please indicate in which COUNTRY did you complete the qualifications:

    Provide details and documentation confirming your English language level: English is my first languageI have completed studies where English was the language of instructionI have successfully completed an English Course in Australia (Please attach certificate at the end of this application form)Placement TestI have taken a recognised English language test in the last two years (e.g. IELTS, PTE, TOFEL or Cambridge). [group group-12] [/group] Of the following categories, which BEST describes your current employment status? (Tick one box only)
    Full time employeePart time employeeSelf employed - not employing othersEmployerEmployed - unpaid worker in a family businessUnemployed - seeking full-time workUnemployed - seeking part-time workNot employed - not seeking employment In order to provide appropriate support services, we invite you to give us information about any disability or mental health issue you may have.
    Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long term condition?
    YesNo [group group14] If yes, then please indicate the area of disability, impairment or long term condition: (you may indicate more than one area)
    Hearing / deafLearningVisionPhysicalMental IllnessMedical conditionIntellectualAcquired brain injuryOther
    (If yes, please contact RTO Manager) [/group] Of the following categories, which BEST describes your main reason for undertaking this Course (Tick one box only)
    To get a jobTo develop my existing businessTo start my own businessTo try for a different careerFor Personal Interest / self-developmentTo get a better job/promotionIt was a requirement of my jobI wanted extra skills for my jobTo get into another course of studyOthers (please specify) [group group15] [/group]

    Have you attended any Victorian school since 2009 or had any training with a Vocational Education and Training (VET) registered training organization provider or an Adult and Community Education provider in Victoria since 2011? Yes - I have attended a Victorian school since 2009Yes - I have attended TAFF or Private provided for Vocational Education and TrainingNo - I have not attended a Victorian school since 2009 or a TAFE or VET training provider since the beginning of 2011 [group group-161] If yes, please list most recent Victorian school attended:

    [/group] [group group-162] If yes, please list most recent Vocational Education and Training Provider Name:

    [/group] Compulsory for all students enrolling in accredited courses as at 1 January 2015 Yes - I already have a USINo - I do not have a USI [group group-171] If yes, enter your USI:
    For information on the student identifiers registar's Privacy policy please refer to:
    This site contains information about how you may: Access and seek correction of the personal information held; and Complain about a breach of privacy and how such complaints will be dealt with. How did you hear or learn about Mercury Institute of Victoria? Internet / Media / Newspaper AdvertisingEducation representativeFamily / FriendsAustralian Embassy / Australian Education CenterEducation ExhibitionOther[group group-18][/group] Do you require accommodation?
    Do you require airport pick up?
    Contact person name:


    Phone No:

    Have you completed all sections of this application ?
    Certified Student's Passport

    Certified Year 11 or 12 including Academic History

    Evidence of English Proficiency

    Certified Aust Qualification Cert IV or Above

    Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Mercury Institute of Victoria is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form and your training activity data), may be used or disclosed by Mercury Institute of Victoria for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. Mercury Institute of Victoria may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties,including: • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and • NCVER. Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes: • populating authenticated VET transcripts; • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; • pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms; • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation. You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor or other authorised agencies. You may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted. NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

    The date you agree to these terms & conditions is considered the Agreement Date.By accepting this Agreement you: 1. Agree to comply with Mercury Institute of Victoria’s (MIV) student Policies & procedures as indicated in the MIV Student Handbook. 2. Confirm that you fulfil all entry requirements in which you are enrolling; a. Agree to pay all requisite fees associated, and b. Upon receipt of the Course Fee if applicable, MIV agrees to: - supply you with initial course materials for your course; - provide you with access to the online student portal if applicable; - provide you with access to learning and administrative support; - grade your assessments; and 3. The Course Fee does not include: a. postage of any assessments or other materials by you to MIV or b. any materials that are listed as “Computer Requirements” or “Additional Requirements” for your course on the MIV website. Please note that, depending on your particular course, you may need to provide your own equipment in addition to the course materials at your own expense. 4. On successful completion of all assessments and the full payment of the Course Fee if applicable, MIV will issue you appropriate certification for your course. 5. MIV may make changes to your course, course materials and the MIV Student Policies and Procedures as reasonably required. 6. A $50 fee for re-issuance of a Certificate, Qualification or Statement of Attainment applies. See the MIV Student Handbook for more details about miscellaneous fees. 7. The course material that MIV provides to you shall become your property. However, the content of the course materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of MIV or a nominated third party. You may not reproduce any part of the course materials without the prior written consent of MIV. 8. The maximum duration of your course is specified on MIV’s website. In the event that you do not complete the course within the maximum duration, your enrolment expires without refund. If you wish to extend your course beyond the course expiry date, you must apply before your visa duration finishes for extension of your study. 9. MIV reserves the right to cancel a course prior to the course commencement date. In this rare circumstance you are entitled to a full refund (or pro-rata adjusted refund) or transfer of funds to another future course. In this event, you will be given your preferred option. If a refund is requested MIV will refund the fees within four weeks of the course cancellation.

    I,,agree that by singing this declaration: • I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. • I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal accordance with the Privacy Notice above. Student Signature:

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