Enrolment Conditions:
- MIV does not accept enrolment of any overseas student who is under 18 years of age at the time of commencement of their studies for onshore and under 18 years of age at the time of arrival to Australia for offshore students.
- MIV Application Form must be signed and returned to commence the admission process and before acceptance of any tuition fees.
- Letter of Offer will be issued and each overseas student will be offered, and must sign, the MIV Acceptance Agreement prior to, or at the same time, as any money for tuition fees are paid to MIV.
- The Acceptance Agreement between MIV and the overseas student sets out the services to be provided, fees payable and information in relation to refunds of course money (refer to Fees, Charges and Refund Policy).
- MIV Acceptance Agreement will:
Identify the course(s) in which the overseas student is to be enrolled;- Identify any conditions on the overseas student’s enrolment such as any pre-requisite course or attaining a certain level of English Language Proficiency;
- Provide an itemized list of course money payable by the overseas student and the payment structure/schedule;
- Set out the circumstances under which personal information about the overseas student may be shared between MIV and the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the TAS and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager. This information includes personal contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstances of any suspected breach by the overseas student of a student visa condition; and advises the overseas student of their responsibility to notify MIV of a change of address while enrolled in the course(s);
- The student agreement must highlight the refund procedures including MIV default and Student default.
- MIV will not process any incomplete applications for students who do not have study rights in Australia.